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Pictures of Michael during various stages of life and more....

all Photos are thumbnails, click picture for larger view

Mikechristmaswrap.jpg (28168 bytes) Mikebaby.jpg (32526 bytes) mike b&w.jpg (11300 bytes) Mike trike.jpg (39266 bytes)
 Mike 3 days old 12/25/1970 Baby Michael Baby Michael B &W photo Mike on a Tricycle
mike headstart.jpg (11327 bytes) mike.jpg (27170 bytes)
Michael Headstart school play Costume Teenage Mike
mike2.jpg (30337 bytes) mike sr pic.jpg (15632 bytes) mike sr pic2.jpg (14294 bytes) Mike_Seagrave.jpg (23571 bytes)
Teenage School Photo Michael Senior Picture in Tux Michael Senior Picture in casual wear Mike


Michael Interview with ComputerWorld Magazine:

mikeinterview.jpg (160893 bytes)