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Home Phillips Family Seagrave-Phillips Seagrave Family



We made links from this page to a page for Kimberly's family: the Seagrave Family and a page for Hal's family: the Phillips Family.  Photos and other information will be posted here.

Here's a picture of Hal at Disneyworld which was taken during Hal and Kimberly's honeymoon, October 2001.

Hal_Castle_1.jpg (45107 bytes)

Here are some of Hal in his younger days....(Check out the curls...)

lil' Hal.jpg (28339 bytes)     Lil' Hal2.jpg (34038 bytes)     3 Hal.jpg (25332 bytes)     4 hal.jpg (16307 bytes)

And still more Hal pictures.... :)

hal basketball.jpg (14941 bytes)     5 hal.jpg (22340 bytes)     6 hal.jpg (32741 bytes) 


For more Pictures of Hal or Kimberly enter the Seagrave-Phillips page.....


Here are a couple pictures of Kimberly as a baby....

Kimberly incubator.jpg (29402 bytes)     kimbaby.jpg (22146 bytes)      kimcrib.jpg (30142 bytes)

Other Kimberly Pictures

Kimberly.jpg (25448 bytes)    Kimberly1.jpg (20254 bytes)